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زيادة القول تحكي النقص في العمل ومنطق المرء قد يهديه للزلل
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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الادارة تعمل من خلال النظام اما القيادة فتعمل فوق النظام
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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لا تَلُمْ كفي إذا السيف نبا صح مِنِّي العزم والدهر أبى
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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واحفظ لسانك لا تقول فتبتلى إن البلاء موكل بالمنطق
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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وما نيل المطالب بالتمني ولكن تؤخذ الدنيا غلاب
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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عندما لا ندري ما هي الحياة ، كيف يمكننا أن نعرف ما هو الموت
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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الحرية هي الحق في أن تعمل ما يبيحه القانون
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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وما استعصى على قوم منال إذا الإقدام كان لهم ركاب
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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الحرية هي الحياة ، و لكن لا حرية بلا فضيل
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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قطع ذنب الكلب لا يكفي كي يصبح شبيه الحصان
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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لسانك حصانك إن صنته صانك، وإن هنته هانك
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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لسان الفتى عن عقله ترجمانه متى زل عقل المرء زل لسانه
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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علي أن أسعى وليس علي إدراك النجاح
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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كالذي يحتاج لموافقة مختار القرية للشرب من ماء النهر
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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لا تنه عن خلق وتأتي مثله عار عليك إذا فعلت عظيم
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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لا تتكلّم عن نفسك طوال الوقت، سواء إذا كنت سعيد أم لا
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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اصرخ لتعلم أنك ما زلتَ حيّاً وأن الحياة على هذه الأرض ممكن
This is an old family recipe for the dumplings, which were originally Polish egg noodles (kluski), and over the years…
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